+226 25333814 Samandin, Avenue Mogho Naaba Wobgo ( ex Bassawarga) sur l'immeuble de l'Agence BSIC Samandin

Onduleurs marque MERCURY

 Capacité : 850 Va

 Redémarrage automatique
 Protection contre les surcharges


 Construire dans AVR avec une large gamme d’entrée de 140 ~ 300VAC
 Redémarrage automatique
 Protection courte de rendement circut
 Protection contre les surcharges
 Protection contre les surcharges
 Un design épuré et compact avec contrôle de la CPU

Input .
Input Voltage 220VAC
Input Frequency 50Hz
Input Phase Single phase
PowerCord Built-in Cable with Fuse
Input Voltage Range 140~300VAC
Output .
Rating Output 850VA
Wave Form Battery Mode
(Simulated Sine Wave)
AC Mode
(Synchronize with Input)
Rating Voltage 220V
Output Range 220VAC-11% to +17%
(Battery Mode)
Rear Output Socket 2xUniversal-Battery Backup
Transfer Time Typical 4-8ms
Communication Interface Nil
Output Frequency .
Rating Frequency 50Hz
Line Mode Synchronize with the Utility
Battery Mode 50Hz±1Hz
Short Circuit Protection .
Line Mode Fuse & Firmware Protection
Battery Mode Firmware Protection
Overload Protection .
Line Mode 110%±5%
(go to fault mode after 5 minutes)
(go to fault mode immediately)
Battery Mode 85%±5%
(Shut down after 5 seconds)
(shut down immediately)
Battery and Runtime .
Rating 1x12V/9AH
Backup Time – Typical 15mins~25mins
(Depending On Load)
Charging Current About 1A at Normal Mode
OverCharge Protection 14.5V±0.2V(Stop Charging)
Packaging .
Dimension(mm) 350x142x213
Master Carton(mm) 365x304x446
Packsize per Master Carton(mm) 2